PC, Mobile And Console Gaming News And Reviews

Gamers come in all different shapes, sizes and platforms choices. No matter the medium, from Fortnite to COD, Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy or Assassin's Creed, gaming is big business these days with eSports heroes stepping up for national and global domination limelight. Here we cover triple-A titles pushing the pixels on anything you can mash a keyboard or shake a gamepad with, from laptops and desktops to consoles and mobile gaming goodness.

Somehow the news of Apple's Game Porting Toolkit flew under this author's radar when macOS Sonoma was announced at WWDC earlier this month. It wasn't until the developer sessions on using the kit and bringing games to the macOS platform that it really became apparent what Apple was doing. Running DirectX 12 games on... Read more...
Can it run DOOM? The meme-worthy phrase almost everyone has uttered in the tech space, at one time or another, today is true of this absolutely tiny device. A newly created Adafruit QT Py-powered handheld (which they code-named PINKY) does indeed run DOOM. With minimal modification to the open-source emulation... Read more...
Ahead of the Christmas release of Matrix Resurrections, Epic Games has released The Matrix Awakens on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. Built around the recently-unveiled Unreal Engine 5, the interactive tech demo reintroduces us to the boundary-pushing universe at the core of the Wachowski’s films. Director Lana... Read more...
Notebooks often have limited storage capacity, despite significant advancements over the last few years. An M.2 drive is only the size of a stick of gum, but not every laptop can fit more than one or two drives at a time, and some users aren't comfortable opening up their machine to upgrade them, which ultimately limits their storage capabilities.... Read more...
About two years ago, NVIDIA started talking about a shader rendering method that applied varying levels of quality to different objects in the game world. That method was called Variable Rate Shading, or VRS. When applied skillfully and artfully in different areas of a scene that are less prominent in the gamer's... Read more...
The war of the Watch Dogs series has always been fought in two parts -- physically with weapons and by proxy in the online space. In the original, which took place in Chicago, hacker Aiden Pearce, aided by the DedSec crew, hacks just about any device in his vicinity on his quest to make up for the loss of his niece... Read more...
Bethesda's latest installment in the Fallout series is here, but if you are a die hard fan of the previous versions of the game, this may be the Fallout you'll want to pass on. Although everyone will have their own in my personal opinion, Fallout 76 could be considered the worst in series or a sellout of the worst kind. Heads-up, you guessed Read more...
Activision just launched the reveal trailer and announced release date for Call of Duty: WWII. The game will launch on in November and was described by Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg as “bringing an intense, visceral, boots on the ground gameplay”. Many of the hints reddit users dropped last week were confirmed... Read more...
Windows 10 is finally here. The new OS has been spit-shined and primed for an official release. As advertised, Windows 8/8.1 users can upgrade to the new operating system, provided that current Win8 installs have been properly activated. Make sure you check our comprehensive Migration Guide for details on... Read more...
With Windows 10, Microsoft is making a concerted effort to unify their platforms. Universal apps, Xbox One to PC game streaming, Xbox 360 game streaming, Game DVR functionality, and a host of other features and tweaks to make the Windows experience more seamless across various devices. I've always seen the potential... Read more...
Normally, the question of whether a game runs better on the PC or a console is a no-brainer -- at least, for PC users.  Watch Dogs, however, with its problematic PC play, challenges that concept. And since the gap between consoles and PCs is typically smallest at the beginning of the console generation, we decided to take the Xbox One... Read more...