Items tagged with copy

At its Mix10 conference this week, Microsoft revealed that its upcoming Windows Phone 7 OS will not offer copy / paste functionality. Instead, Microsoft hopes to predict when you would use such functionality and offer a single-tap alternative action. "Windows Phone 7 Series will not initially offer copy-and-paste; instead, we try to solve... Read more...
A story in the New York Times had the blogosphere up in arms, but Microsoft indicates we shouldn't believe it. The Times said that Microsoft is working to implement an anti-piracy filter into its Zune media players, which would prevent playback of unauthorized videos.In fact, J. B. Perrette, the president of digital distribution for NBC Universal,... Read more...
BioWare has produced numerous hit games over the years, and as such they’ve probably suffered more than the average company at the hands of pirates. As a result the company has decided to use SecuROM for some of their upcoming titles, and Technical Director Derek French provides some details: “Mass Effect uses SecuROM and requires an online... Read more...
Heck, if you're going to write malware, you might as well protect yourself against piracy, and copyright it, right?Professional virus writers are now selling a suite of software on the Internet with an unusual attachment: a detailed licensing agreement that promises penalties for redistributing the malicious code without permission."I just... Read more...
Everyone keeps telling me how smart Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook is, but I'm beginning to have my doubts. Fresh on the heels of his disastrous foray into datamining with Facebook's Beacon service, he seems to be unclear on the concept of copyright infringement. Hasbro and Mattel, owners of the copyright for the Scrabble word game,... Read more...
Federal financial aid is always an arm-twisting manuever used against colleges, and this is no different.  Colleges must, according to Congress, make more of an effort to police their students, or face the "music" (pun intended).New federal legislation says universities must agree to provide not just deterrents but also "alternatives"... Read more...
Microsoft and Google have been locked together in a corporate struggle of titanic proportions for the past few years, one from which a clear victor has yet to emerge.  The battle sprawls from search engines, to office suites, and now the video services are becoming the new focal point of the conflict.On the Google side of the line is the reigning... Read more...
Google has recently announced plans to employ advanced copyright protection technology to thwart unauthorized video posts on YouTube. The company expects to have the filtering software up and running by September. Beck assures us that Google’s new defensive software is as advanced as FBI fingerprinting technology. “The software will enable... Read more...
Google has finally started detailing the specific details of their plan to filter copyrighted material from their video service, YouTube.  Hopefully this will appease media giants such as Viacom, who have filed suit against Google.The plan will take effect in September, and will use digital video fingerprinting to help ID copyrighted material.... Read more...
Apparently, a new licensing agreement is being finalized that could make it legal for consumers who have already purchased a HD DVD or Blu-Ray disc to make a bakcup copy... "Under a licensing agreement in its final stages, consumers may get the right to make several legal copies of HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc movies they’ve purchased, a concession... Read more...
It's easy to load your music onto an iPod. It's that ease of use that made the little player the industry standard. But you're locked out if you want to transfer your music off your iPod. Wired News examines a half dozen software solutions that allow you to retrieve your goodies from your iPod.... Read more...
Forgive me if I come across as being a bit cynical here, but you had to know this was coming.  It seems that the first generation software HD DVD and Blu-Ray software players allow users to take full-resolution screen captures -- which somewhat defeats the purpose of the AACS and HDCP content protection schemes. Big deal. Users can... Read more...
Good afternoon friends, N.J. here with another shot of Juice.  Things around the Canadian portion of the HH labs have been extremely hectic over the past few days.  With good things brewing at the day job and a GF dealing with a serious case of allergies, I have been stretched fairly thin.  However... Read more...