Items tagged with astronomy

Star Trek fans may be disappointed to learn that Spock’s home planet of Vulcan has turned out to be an illusion. While the planet Vulcan may not exist in real life, Spock’s star system, 40 Eridani, is very real. Star system 40-Eridani is located 16.5 light-years away from Earth, and NASA says its primary star can... Read more...
Stargazers will be able to view six of the Solar System’s planets form a straight line as they take their place in a parade of planets. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus will all take part in the parade, with Venus being the only one absent. While the recent aurora that stretched across much of... Read more...
NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) made its first ever startling discovery of a free-floating rogue planet, and NASA says it is hunting for more. While TESS will continue to be on the lookout for more rogue planets, the space agency is hopeful that its upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will... Read more...
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is celebrating the completion of the largest camera ever built for astronomy and astrophysics. The mammoth 3,200-megapixel (3.2-gigapixel) prime focus digital camera will soon ship to Chile and be mounted on a telescope inside the Rubin Observatory. The Legacy Survey of Space... Read more...
A new study from a survey of 91 pairs of twin stars named C3PO sheds new light on the so-called “three-body problem” that has befuddled scientists for centuries. At least 8%, or 1 in 12, of twin stars in the study show chemical anomalies that indicate one star had gobbled up planetary material that once orbited it... Read more...
Astronomers using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT) in Chile spotted an indelible mark on the surface of a white dwarf star that has an appetite for destruction. Researchers believe the scar left on white dwarf WD 0816-310 is a concentration of metals imprinted on the star’s... Read more...
The discovery of a second universe-defying megastructure in the remote universe is making astronomers rethink some of the basic assumptions about cosmology. The Big Ring is the second of these ultra-large structures to be found by PhD student Alexia Lopez. The Big Ring is located 9.2 billion light-years from Earth... Read more...
The last full moon of 2023, often referred to as the Full Cold Moon, will brighten the night sky and the holiday festivities. This month’s Cold Moon got its moniker after a Mohawk name that referenced the chilly conditions during this time of year. December’s full moon will be at its fullest on December 26, and is... Read more...
The Ursid meteor shower will be the last chance to catch a falling star to wish upon for the wanted gift to be left under the tree on Christmas morning. That's because the celestial light show is the final meteor shower of 2023, and it's predicted to peak during the early morning hours of December 23, 2023. The... Read more...
NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, Hubble Space Telescope, and several other telescopes are getting into the holiday spirit with two mind-blowing images from space. While images of NGC 2264 and UGC 8091 may only appear to some as tokens of holiday spirit, astronomers are seeking much more information from them. The... Read more...
Astronomers have found a key ingredient for life in the outer reaches of the Milky Way galaxy. The discovery challenges our understanding of the origins of the element and potentially extends the galactic habitable zone. The element that was found in a very unexpected location by a group of astronomers from the... Read more...
As we get ready to close out the year, the Leonid meteor shower is going to reach its peak tomorrow morning, November 18th. While the shower might end up being a bit of a quieter one, there is still the opportunity to see a handful of meteors every hour while taking in the gorgeous night sky in all its glory. The... Read more...
The Taurid meteor shower kicks off the month of November for skywatchers. At its peak, the Taurid meteor shower is expected to showcase about ten meteors per hour, with the Leonids meteor shower following shortly after with an estimated ten to fifteen per hour. The Taurid meteors consist of two streams, the South... Read more...
In true Halloween fashion, a comet twice the size of Mount Everest and that earned the nickname the “Devil Comet” is heading toward Earth. The comet, which has a far less intimidating scientific name, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, has a short-period orbit around the Sun of about once every 71 years. Comet Pons-Brooks’... Read more...
Jupiter will accompany this weekend's Hunter's Moon as the duo parade across the night sky together. The Hunter's Moon gets its name from the Algonquin Native American tribe and was used to remind native American cultures that it was time to hunt and store up meat for the winter. The October Hunter's Moon might... Read more...
A global team of astronomers detected an eight-billion-year-old fast radio burst (FRB) that is the most ancient to date. The record-breaking FRB destroyed the old record by 50 percent. FRBs are extraordinary events that generate as much energy in a thousandth of a second as the Sun does in a year. Because they also... Read more...
A new study reports two ice giant exoplanets colliding near a sun-like star, creating an astonishing afterglow in deep space. Astronomers were able to view the afterglow of light and plumes of dust as it passed in front of the parent star, dimming it over time. An international team of astronomers came together... Read more...
Astronomers are slamming a massive low-Earth orbit communications satellite because it is brighter in the night sky than most stars. Astronomers are concerned that without some type of regulation on these extremely bright satellites, the effect could be detrimental to observing the stars from Earth and performing... Read more...
Later this week, sky watchers will be privy to the last supermoon of 2023 and its being a Harvest Moon. The Harvest Moon will be accompanied by two planets shining brightly in the night sky, Saturn and Jupiter. A Harvest Moon denotes the time of year when the full moon has unique characteristics. One of those is... Read more...
The Moon will be at its brightest and fullest as it passes by the ringed planet Saturn in the night sky this week. This is the second full Moon of August, making it the year's only Super Blue Moon. Saturn comes to opposition of Earth's Moon nearly every year. While it takes one Earth year for our home planet to... Read more...
The second full Moon of August will be a Supermoon as well as a Blue Moon all wrapped into one. Along with the incredible Supermoon, Saturn will be its closest and brightest for the year. The second full moon in a single month is classified as a Blue Moon, according to the definition set by Sky and Telescope... Read more...
A team of astronomers shared new images captured by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) of the iconic Ring Nebula known as Messier 57 (M57). The awe-inspiring images highlight the nebula's labyrinthine allure in astonishing detail. It's like something out of a science-fiction movie. Ms57 is a planetary nebula... Read more...
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