Windows 7 RTM Built?

Rumors are flying on the the Internet that the Windows 7 RTM build has been compiled, and that the build number is "7600.16384.090710-1945," which would indicate that it was compiled on July 10th at 7:45 PM.

In fact, the site Has Windows 7 RTMed? has put up the message: Yes! Unfortunately, messages are mixed. While many sites are saying that's the correct build, some sites are saying "hold on a second."

TechBlog, for example, said:
A Microsoft spokesman told me this afternoon that no, a final build has not been declared for Windows 7, and it has not been released to manufacturing.

Formally, all Microsoft is saying is that Windows 7 will RTM sometime this month.
What do we think? We think that Microsoft would love to have a build done in time to announce at this week's Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference, which is taking place in New Orleans.

The conference kicks off Monday, but Steve Ballmer's keynote is Tuesday. We'd wager on an announcement on Tuesday. Either way, build 7600 is heading for the P2P site of your choice, you can bet. Just be careful if you choose to download it, to make sure you don't get a build loaded with malware.