Totally New Dell XPS Desktop

Dell has just informed us that they have officially launched a preview of the company's Next Generation XPS system. For those who have been less than enthusiastic about the appearance of Dell systems in the past, you owe it to yourself to take a look at the new chassis. Dubbed "Heavy Ordinance", this new platform is equipped with a ton of new features such as an all aluminum chassis with stealth drive bays and exceptional thermal management. One thing is certain, the next Dell XPS will be unlike any Dell system you have ever seen. Rest assured, Hot Hardware will have one of these systems up and running in the lab the moment we get our hands on it.

The XPS gaming concept PC was designed with a single purpose - total domination. The aluminum case has been engineered to help optimize thermal reduction, future expansion and upgrades, quietness and overall system perofrmance. Inside, it's packed with the technology gamers crave, including some of the latest processors, graphics capabilities and performance hard drives, and it will be the most customizable system Dell has ever offered.


Tags:  Dell, XPS, Desktop, XP, ally, TAL, OTA, K