Intel CEO Krzanich Gets Cold Feet, Cancels Previously Scheduled Donald Trump Fundraiser

It looks like Intel CEO Brian Krzanich wants to “Make America Great Again”, but can't quite get the ball rolling. Krzanich was planning to hold a fundraiser for Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States, on Thursday night at his house in Atherton, California. The event, which was to include “a full exchange of views”,  was cancelled for unknown reasons and Trump held a rally in San Jose, California on Thursday instead.


Krzanich is one of the few leaders in Silicon Valley to publicly support Trump. Trump has publicly criticized Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Tim Cook of Apple.Trump suggested boycotting Apple if the company did not help the government crack the iPhone used by one of the attackers in the mass shooting last year in San Bernardino, California. He also fought with Zuckerberg over immigration and posted on Twitter that if Amazon “ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash.” Bezos also owns the Washington Post which has been critical of Trump.

The only other open Trump supporter in the technology field is Peter Thiel, who backed Ron Paul’s presidential bid in 2008 with millions of dollars in support. Traditional Republican Silicon Valley leaders such as Marc Andreessen and Salesforce CEO Marc Beniof have actually turned against the party in this election. HPE CEO Meg Whitman, who ran as a Republican candidate for governor in California, accused Trump of being a "dishonest demagogue."

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Trump has also received very little financial backing from Silicon Valley. CrowdPac, a startup that tracks donations, noted that since April, Trump has only collected $5,395 from tech companies throughout the country. This is in addition to the $16,420 that Trump raised since last summer from people who work in tech. Hillary Clinton has raised $2.7 million from tech donors since beginning her campaign, while Bernie Sanders has raised $6 million. Mitt Romney raised over $8 million from the technology sector in 2012.

Trump has stated, “I have great respect for Silicon Valley and all of the people in Silicon Valley.” It seems, however, like that respect may not be mutual.