Google Maps Major Design Overhaul With Personalized Recommendations Is Now Rolling Out

Back in May during Google I/O the search giant announced that a Material Design revamp of Google Maps was coming. At the time, only a few users and devices were able to get access to the update. Google is now slowly rolling that update out to the masses.

google maps

Google's fancy Material Design redesign is rolling out to users who are currently running Maps 9.80.2 according to reports. The update is significant enough that you will know when it has been applied because there are major interface changes. Maps gains new buttons and colorful icons on a mostly white background in the update.

Other features coming with the update include a new Explore interface that allows you to easily find out what is available near you. It's not clear what time frame Google has for rolling the update out to all, it favors a gradual rollout for the most part.

You can count on Android users getting the update before iOS users, but everyone will get it eventually. Another of the cool features that Google announced during Google I/O for maps was a new augmented reality feature. This feature gives Street View users a mode that overlays directions in real time right over what your camera is seeing. Google also has AR animal guides for those wanting something a bit cuter; one demo featured a fox leading the way. It's not clear if this was just a fun demo of the show or if this feature will eventually make it to all Maps users.