Epic Games Store Enacts New Policy To Match Steam’s Unlimited Refunds

When Epic Games was gearing up to launch Fornite for PC gamers, it decided to bypass the popular Steam store to get around the cut of profits Valve demands. Instead, Epic Games created its own store to peddle Fortnite and was able to keep all the profits for itself. The Epic Games Store is also signing up other developers and publishers who want to sell their games online without having to pay the Steam tax. Steam has a policy that allows gamers to get a refund on games under certain conditions.

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Epic Games has announced a new revised refund policy for its store, something it needed to compete on par with Steam. The refund policy will give unlimited returns to buyers within 14-days of the purchase and if the game was played for under two hours. That is exactly the same policy that Steam has for gamers.

Originally, the Epic Games Store made players go through a tedious process for a refund that included a request via a contact form, providing an IP address, the last four digits of the card used for the purchase, date the account was created and other details. Players will no longer have to go through those verification steps if they are within the criteria to be granted a refund.

The new refund policy was announced via a Tweet (seen above) by Epic's director of publishing and strategy, Sergey Galyonkin. He also talked about the Epic Games store supporting 30 different regions for pricing with 130 countries total supported. Pricing and regional currencies are still being implemented, though the store supports the regions.