Items tagged with VENTO

Asus' VENTO chassis line has been around for years, and with the introduction of the TA-M2, we're led to believe that it's still going strong. Like many gaming enclosures today, this one also sports a translucent side panel and plenty of LED lighting, but unlike most, there one has a touch of class to go along with all that pizzazz.Right away,... Read more...
Ever have the need to pack up your computer for that roadtrip back to college but there's just no more room left in that '72 AMC Gremlin of yours?   Or perhaps you're a small PC reseller with serious space constraints in your inventory warehouse area?  Asus has your back it apparently with the what has to... Read more...
Lawrence Roberts is just another guy with the title:" Inventor of the Internet" in news articles. According to Wikipedia, he's the father of networking through data packets. And he's turned his attention to everyone's favorite data packet topic: Peer-to-Peer filesharing. He's established a company called Anagran, and says their devices can... Read more...
If you suffer from "Blackberry Thumb" from punching in text on the tiny keyboard supplied with many mobile devices, you're bound to love the I-Tech virtual laser keyboard. The device, priced at $180, is a black obelisk about the size of a lipstick tube that uses infrared and... Read more...
Hawking Technologies HBB1 Broadband Booster Review @ "Getting every ounce out of your broadband bandwidth can be a daunting task and one many users deal with on a daily basis. Many people who use a Voice-Over-IP phone service or play online games experience some distortion or lower quality... Read more...
Heya Folks! What's red and shiny, looks like a it stepped out of a Ferrari show-room floor and has 120mm fans keeping things cool inside?  Asus' new Vento 3600 Gamer's case, of course! Check it out here, the Stealth Man tells all... :)... Read more...
  Over the past 10 years or so, the Personal Computer has found its way into a majority of homes, evolving from a high-priced curiosity to an everyday necessity.  As with any other market, companies have come and gone during that time period, with their bottom lines inevitably tied to the products they produced.  In today's... Read more...