Items tagged with time spy

Hey, did you hear? NVIDIA's new GeForce RTX graphics cards can do ray tracing! Of course you've heard that, because real-time ray tracing has dominated the narrative. The big question mark, however, is the one that hangs over rasterization performance compared to the previous generation of Pascal cards. That will not... Read more...
The fastest graphics cards at the moment all belong to NVIDIA. We're not saying AMD has nothing compelling to offer gamers, but when it comes to the best of the best (and 4K gaming), right now it is pretty much Pascal or bust. That will change once Vega arrives, which we anticipate will bring parity with Nvidia's GeForce GTX 1070 and higher Read more...
There's been a lot of chatter about DirectX 12, the low-level graphics API built into Windows 10, and what effect it will have on PC gaming. Developers will more fully embrace DX12 as time goes on, but in the meantime, is your rig up to snuff? Futuremark will help you answer that question with Time Spy, a new DX12... Read more...
Futuremark is working on an update to its popular 3DMark benchmarking suite that will test the DirectX 12 capabilities of your gaming system. Called Time Spy, the new benchmark sports a "pure DirectX 12 engine" that was built  from scratch to support the new features of DX12, including asynchronous compute, explicit... Read more...