Items tagged with text-messages

Advertisements are everywhere. You can find them on TV, on the Internet, on billboards, in your mail, and now within your text messages sent from reputable sources. Earlier this week, developer Chris Lacy posted to Twitter about an "SMS AD" attached to a Google verification code sent to his phone. On Monday, Lacy... Read more...
Imagine that without any misguided action or behavior of your own your iOS device were to crash, simply as the result of receiving a text string via your iPhone or iPad's Messages app. Next, imagine that after this "What the heck!??!!" event (and device reboot, of course) you subsequently could not even open the... Read more...
As the Guardian broke the news that that the NSA was harvesting nearly 200 million text messages per day (per its investigation in collaboration with the UK’s Channel 4 News into NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s leaked materials), President Obama said in a speech at the Justice Department that the U.S... Read more...