Items tagged with Solar power

Blue Origin recently shared Blue Alchemist, which it believes can safely provide unlimited solar power wherever it is needed on the moon. The concept utilizes a process known as molten regolith electrolysis and has a very useful byproduct. The space company says it has been making solar cells and transmission wire... Read more...
Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a breakthrough wireless prototype which they say could usher in a new wave of devices that are capable of producing clean energy. What the device is capable of achieving seems like something out of science fiction and almost too good to be true, but the study... Read more...
Apple's just been granted a rather interesting patent for an "Electronic device display module," which is really a fancy way of describing a clever dual-sided laptop display with a solar panel on back. The front of the lid would house your typical LCD, though the backside would be constructed from electrochromic glass atop photovoltaic cells... Read more...
Samsung has just introduced a product that Al Gore should love. Actually, anyone who cares about the environment and wants to wear their "green" concern on their sleeve--or in this case, in their hand or next to their ear--should find Samsung's new solar-powered, "Blue Earth" touch-screen phone an appealing way to stay connected in style,... Read more...