Items tagged with shut down

Sigh. Another shot, another failed attempt. Yahoo 360 -- which is Yahoo's second major attempt to break into the social networking scene -- is quietly folding early next month. The news comes a few years after Yahoo! Mash also faded into the distance, and it'll be almost two years since Yahoo has devoted any support to the site whatsoever.In... Read more...
Wikileaks was started with the intention of allowing whistleblowers to anonymously release government and corporate documents, "an uncensorable version of Wikipedia for untraceable mass document leaking and analysis. " Of course, that only works if the site is reachable.A federal judge in San Francisco has shut down a Web site that posted... Read more...
The U.S. Congress has recently approved a new bill, known as the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2007, that makes it illegal for anyone in the U.S. using any telecommunications service to transmit misleading / inaccurate information by modifying caller ID data. Each violation could result in a fine of up to $10,000.For some, this news may mark the... Read more...