Items tagged with ratchet & clank: rift apart

If you're seeing any kind of wonky performance issues in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart and you're running the game on a GeForce GPU, be aware that NVIDIA has made a hotfix driver available, version 537.09, that could potentially solve your problem(s). You'll have to fetch it manually, though, because hotfix drivers are... Read more...
While AMD's Radeon GPUs aren't as renowned for their ray-tracing prowess as competitor NVIDIA's, they're fully capable of handling the effects, particularly when games are programmed to match the hardware—just take a look at how Metro: Exodus Enhanced Edition runs on red-team GPUs. In combination with the fact that... Read more...
Twenty years ago, if you had asked your author here if he thought a Ratchet & Clank game would ever be the new high bar for graphics technology in PC gaming, he would have given you a very strong "no." Yet, here we are: Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart is one of the most demanding titles available, and it implements all the... Read more...
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is one of a small handful of games that was originally developed exclusively for the PlayStation 5. Like Returnal, the game has found its way to the PC, and as you'd expect of a game targeting current-generation hardware, it has all the latest rendering features and PC gaming... Read more...
One of the PlayStation 5's most beloved and exclusive titles, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, is headed for a release on PC thanks to the efforts of Nixxes Software (owned by Sony), which worked with Insomniac Games to port the title over to Windows. Touted as a "visual spectacle" with ray tracing support, you'll need... Read more...