Items tagged with Pew Research

Just as tires and wheels aren't the same thing, the World Wide Web (WWW) and Internet are also separate, albeit just as intertwined. If you already knew that, pat your self on the back or grab a cookie -- you're in the minority, according to a Web IQ quiz conducted by Pew Research in which just 23 percent of... Read more...
It's sometimes easy to forget that an unsubsidized smartphone can cost upwards of $600, especially when you see a group of giggling teens wielding around what are essentially handheld computers. Get used to that scene. According to a new survey, smartphone adoption among American teenagers is rising fast. Pew Research... Read more...
In this day and age of constant connectivity, privacy sometimes takes backseat. That doesn't mean mobile users are necessarily willing to share personal information willy-nilly. On the contrary, a new survey reveals that privacy is still a popular theme, and it's the reason a good number of apps never get installed in the first place. Pew... Read more...
Teenagers are usually pointed to as the prime miscreants when it comes to texting while driving. Not so fast, says Pew Research. Adults text while driving, too. The results of the report are somewhat shocking: adults are just as likely to text as teens, and more likely than teens to talk on a cell phone while driving. That second point perhaps... Read more...