Items tagged with inbox

Gmail users are getting a new inbox soon, and whether you’re going to like the update depends a lot on your habits. If you own a label maker or ogle closet organizer catalogs, you’re going to love the new layout.  The new Gmail can automatically sort your emails by “tabs,” like Promotions, Social, Updates, and... Read more...
There are, it seems, some companies that simply can't get changes right -- and if there's a Top Ten list somewhere, Facebook deserves to be on it. The company's latest bright idea, now rolled out to all 900M users, was to change your default email address from whatever it was currently to "" This... Read more...
McAfee has finally released the results of its S.P.A.M. (Spammed Persistently All Month) experiment, which began in March. The project: take 50 people from ten countries to defy common sense and for 30 days surf the Web on a computer with no anti-spam software. Not just that, they were to take risks, and respond to spam, to make matters worse. ... Read more...