Items tagged with funny

In two years, those funny and creative messages on electronic road signs that we've come to anticipate and love will be no more. Somebody at the high levels of the U.S. Federal Highway Administration apparently has lost their funny bone and has given states two years to comply to the ban. Talk about administrative... Read more...
A woman who went into a hospital for a supposedly routine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) exam got more than she bargained for. A handgun that she had snuck into the imaging room went off when the MRI fired a round into her buttocks, because, you know, magnets. We understand that going to the hospital for... Read more...
Take one look at the Google Calendar ahead of you. Yes, it's April 1st, and no one does April 1st better in the technology world than Google. Every single year, these guys spend a significant amount of time creating extremely clever jokes that usually make the collective tech universe smile. This year is no different. The joke this year surrounds... Read more...
There's just got to be a joke that begins, "Two chatbots walk into a bar ..." because when chatbots talk, it's funny. Cornell University researchers wanted to see what would happen when two chatbots talked to one another. So they rigged up two systems that would allow instances of the chatbot Cleverbot to interact. It doesn't take long for... Read more...
In any discussion of the vulnerability of your computer to malware, the discussion is often centered around the cutting edge of the battles between new threats and new versions of browsers and software to combat them. But the dirty little secret we don't discuss much is: Most software is older than dirt. Does software need a fresh sale date?... Read more...
InfoWorld amassed 210,000 signatures for a "Save Windows XP" petition, and forwarded it to CEO Steve Ballmer. Today is the date when Microsoft officially ends the availability of its last generation Operating System, and hopes that everybody gravitates to its current OS, Vista. It's unlikely that Microsoft is going to change its corporate... Read more...