Items tagged with eneloop

If you follow the rechargeable battery scene at all, then you're undoubtedly familiar with Sanyo's Eneloop brand, the go-to option for batteries that come fully charged from the get-go and don't lose their juice nearly as fast as your average rechargeable. But if there's a downside to Eneloop batteries, it's that they... Read more...
So, you're a rock star? Wanna be famous? All that good stuff? Well, if you're a guitar player, you'll need the right tools, and Sanyo has a new tool to consider on stage. The KBC-9V3U Pedal Juice (a member of the Eneloop series, it seems) kills a problem that guitarists have had for years now: batteries. 9V batteries in particular. This device... Read more...
Sanyo's Eneloop charging system has been growing at a rapid pace, but obviously not quite rapid enough. The company has just unleashed its latest in the line: the Eneloop Music Booster. As you might expect, this device is a rechargeable DV9V battery unit made specifically for music devices, and while most modern day... Read more...
Sanyo's Eneloop brand has to be one of our favorite new things going. We've already seen an Eneloop charging stick that is perfect for recharging weak gadgets, and now the next Eneloop device is one for warming your hands. Yeah, hand warming! As the gadget world branches out into wilder and wilder gizmos, Sanyo's... Read more...
Let's face it: just about any gizmo worth using these days has a USB connector, and more often than not, it's actually charged over USB as well. But also, battery life has sunk in recent years as devices are made to be slimmer and hold less spacious batteries. The solution to this quandary? Sanyo's Eneloop Stick... Read more...