Items tagged with Driving

Hopping in a vehicle today to get from point A to point B? Realize this: we're currently in the midst of an uptick in vehicle-related deaths, so it's never been more important to be cautious and keep your eyes on other drivers. This past week, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released a report... Read more...
Despite the dangers of drunk driving being well-documented, there continue to be about 10,000 drunk driving-related fatalities in the United States each year. Sometimes, it's the drunk driver that's killed, and other times it's innocent people in the other vehicle, or pedestrians. Sometimes, it's both. The important... Read more...
Go ahead and check one more state off the list of where you're not allowed to text message while driving. New Mexico is catching up with the majority of the country with a ban intended to prevent distracted driving that goes into effect tomorrow (Tuesday), after which offenders will be hit with a $25 fine for the... Read more...
Should drivers be allowed to wear Google Glass while operating a motor vehicle? That's one of the questions politicians face as a growing number of states seek to pass legislation that would make it illegal to wear Google's head-mounted display while driving. Proponents of such bills claim that wearables like Google... Read more...
Anyone who has ever tried texting and driving at the same time should take note of a video released by police in Fort Meyers, Florida. The short video clip, which was taken from a police cruiser, shows a car veering off the side of the road and narrowly missing a telephone pole before ramming into a tree and flipping... Read more...
Get used to hearing the term "Text Stop" because it's a real thing now. New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the creation of special "Texting Zones" where motorists can pull off the road and safely respond to that all-important text message that just can't wait. The initiative is an ambitious effort to reduce... Read more...
"It can wait." It has become a fairly popular phrase, and almost anyone in the smartphone universe would recognize that as the universal slogan for "don't text and drive." Plenty of crashes and accidents have happened due to motorists being distracted by their phones while attempting to drive, and in fact, many places... Read more...
The problem with trying to send and receive text messages while operating a vehicle is that your eyes are zeroed in on a mobile phone instead of the road where they belong. Voice-to-text apps that offer hands-free texting seem like an obvious solution, but new research suggests that such software offers no real safety... Read more...
Thinking about punching in updated directions on your smartphone while cruising in California? Think again. Over the years, states have been marching towards a highway system that's devoid of any texting, phone holding, etc. And that's a good thing, given that distracted driving can (and does) lead to far too many accidents. But if you're... Read more...
Well, you can't exactly say that you didn't see this coming. Google Glass has raised awareness from the tech-savvy crowd all the way to the mainstream, and while a lot of folks on the cutting edge are keenly interested in seeing how Glass changes our world for the better, there are plenty of skeptics out there who... Read more...
There's a good chance you've seen a fellow motorist drifting over into a neighboring lane, only to later discover he or she is texting while driving 3,500 pounds of steel and glass (as a point of reference, a 2013 Chevrolet Malibu Eco weighs 3,650 pounds). It's an all-too familiar sight, and unfortunately, mobile... Read more...
Texting and driving, even tweeting and driving, or just-about-to-fall-asleep and driving -- either way, it's a big problem. Tobii Technology knows it, and this week they're introducing a new platform for drowsiness and distraction detection in driver safety systems. The platform, based on Tobii's advanced eye tracking technology, provides... Read more...
Just about everyone should know by now that texting and driving, or even calling and driving, is a poor idea. Loads of wrecks happen each and everyday because of distracted drivers messing around with their cellphone, but it's not just phones that are causing problems. Radios have also long since been blamed for... Read more...
A recent report showed adults are just as likely as teens to text message while driving. That may not be all that surprising, but a new report is: it shows that half of mothers text message while driving. The survey, conducted by by BOHAN Advertising for its blog, show that among mothers with text messaging service on their... Read more...
We've heard (no pun intended) of hybrid and electric cars designed to make noise, so that blind pedestrians don't get run over by them, but how about a car designed for blind people to drive it? That's what Virginia Tech and the National Federation for the Blind (NFB) have come up with. The plan is to demonstrate the vehicle, a modified Ford... Read more...
It seems impossible to escape advertising, and California, looking for any possible way to close its budget gap, may make it still more difficult. The state is considering electronic license plates. The reason for the digital-age change, though, is strictly monetary: advertising. The plates would appear to be standard license plates when the... Read more...
Teenagers are usually pointed to as the prime miscreants when it comes to texting while driving. Not so fast, says Pew Research. Adults text while driving, too. The results of the report are somewhat shocking: adults are just as likely to text as teens, and more likely than teens to talk on a cell phone while driving. That second point perhaps... Read more...
We've all heard about the dangers of texting while driving. Study after study has shown the dangers and many organizations and states have responded with attempts to ban drivers from using their phones to send messages while behind the wheel. At the CTIA Wireless 2010 show, Safe Driving Systems plans to show off a new... Read more...
Ready for a real shocker? That texting and driving habit you've been trying to kick may not be as bad for you as the insurance companies have led you to believe. Of course, we would still recommend putting the phone down while you're driving (we're speaking for all those cars around you, for the record), but an... Read more...
Texting and driving is already illegal for citizens in a number of US states, but now commercial truckers and bus drivers are also going to be included on the "do not text and drive" list. The Department of Transportation enacted a new rule this week that bars those classes of drivers from texting while operating... Read more...
Wait a second, a wireless operator advocating against texting and driving? Is 2012 upon us already? In a move that can only be seen as a ploy to generate some positive PR, Verizon Wireless has just launched a Don't Text And Drive ad campaign, despite that fact that the sending and receiving of text messages is incredibly lucrative for carriers... Read more...
AAA and the government are working on plans to ban texting while driving. Now, there's a new product for cell phones that lets you ban yourself, employees, or kids from texting while driving. Mobile technology developer TXTBlocker has created a product for cell phones that lets owners disable texting and other... Read more...
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