Items tagged with court case

A defamation case in Australia could force Google to censor the internet if not overturned, the search giant claims. The case dates back to 2016 and awarded $40,000 in defamation damages for an article Google linked to through its search engine. This isn’t the first time Google has been sued for defamation, but it... Read more...
Apple has long been accused of being anti-competitive, but these accusations may soon be further placed under a microscope. The European Union (EU) is expected to charge Apple over supposed antitrust practices sometime over the next week. The case will likely be based off of the allegations of companies such as... Read more...
Is your smartphone’s lock screen protected by the 4th Amendment of the United States Constitution? A recent court case in Washington state argued that activating a person’s lock screen could potentially count as a “search”. Lock screens are therefore protected from “unreasonable searches and seizures” and law... Read more...
How much should a company be penalized for possible patent infringement? The United States District Court in San Jose, California will soon determine whether Samsung owes Apple $1.07 billion or $28 million USD. Apple claims that Samsung infringed on three of their design and two of their utility patents. These... Read more...