Items tagged with App World

Research In Motion (RIM) has its fair share of problems to sort out, including poor financial results and strategic woes in competing with the likes of Android and iOS, but when it comes to small victories, RIM can take solace in the fact that it's starting to put up big app download numbers. As in, three billion and... Read more...
Believe it or not, RIM's BlackBerry App World -- which is basically the App Store for BlackBerry smartphones -- has been ticking now for a solid month. Thus, it's fitting to see one of its most promising bits of software go live today. QuickPlay Media, a provider of mobile video, has just announced that its PrimeTime2Go premium mobile TV service... Read more...
Say what you will about the iPhone (and the App Store in particular), but it has undoubtedly set off a chain reaction of me-toos. Not long ago, the Android Market was launched to bring the all-too-familiar app shopping experience to G1 users, and now we're hearing that RIM, Nokia and Microsoft are planning to follow suit in short order. Reportedly,... Read more...