Intel Pentium 3 933MHz.

Intel Pentium 3 933MHz. - Page 1

The Intel Pentium III 933MHz.
Filling the gap between 866MHz. and 1GHz.

June 22, 2000 - By Dave Altavilla 

Technology marches on at a relentless, blindingly fast pace.  The high end technology of today will quickly be the main stream "bread and butter" product of tomorrow.  In the Semiconductor space, tomorrow often comes VERY soon.  Semiconductor manufacturing technology seems to advanced in "light year" increments with each new iteration of process enhancement.  I can remember days back less than 10 years ago when 1 micron or .8 micron IC Fab technology was bleeding edge.  Who would have thought companies like Intel would be manufacturing parts at .18 micron line widths and .13 and .10 clearly on the horizon. 

This is a review of a product brought to market with Intel's latest technology in processor fabrication.  For now, this is the fastest processor you can buy "over the counter" from Intel's offering.  Let's see what it's made of.


Specifications / Features of the Intel Pentium III 933
The layout

Click for full view

  • FC-PGA 370 pin Package

  • 0.18 Micron Process Technology

  • 133 MHz System Bus

  • 256 KB Level 2 Advanced Transfer Cache (full-speed)

  • Advanced System Buffering

  • Dual Processor Support

  • 64 GB Memory Addressbility

  • 4 GB Memory Cacheability

  • Streaming SIMD Extensions

  • Intel Processor Number Serial Number

  • Dual Independent Bus Architecture

  • Dynamic Execution

  • Intel MMX? Media Enhancement Technology

  • 28 million transistors

  • 1.65 Operation Voltage

One thing you will notice in the above picture of the Pentium III die is the fact that the L2 Cache area is by far the largest section of the chip.  That is because it takes exponentially more circuit area to design a memory structure comparatively to the logic structures that make up the Integer and Floating Point units, for example.  You can easily see why both Intel and AMD struggled to get SRAM cache on die versus the discrete solutions on Slot 1 and Slot A variations of the older architecture.  The on chip Advanced Transfer Cache running at full speed, is significantly faster but it takes up a huge amount of real estate in silicon.

Now that you've had a quick take of the internals, let's see what the P3-933 is packing externally.

As you can see here, Intel is getting serious about cooling with their new higher end processors.  Let's have a closer look. 

Click for full size view

Here we see our little "Flip Chip" installed on a Slotket and the new Intel Heat Sink ready to do its job.  In the first shot, you'll notice the black plastic clamp with provides excellent retention force making good contact between the CPU and the sink.  The thin fin design of the sink is shaped out of a very sturdy aluminum casting that is very dense.  There are 112 fins in total, 4 rows of 28.  Also, the fan is extra large and at 5000 RPMs, it provides great air flow.


Installation / Setup
Cool beans

We decided to put the new Intel cooler to the test and see how it compared to the current champ of Socket 370 coolers, the Alpha PEP66.  Thanks to our good buds at Plycon for the hook-up on the PEP66.  Go there for all your cooling needs and you won't go wrong.

Here you can see how much larger the Alpha heat sink is.  In the two shots where each is mounted on our Abit CX6 i820/RAMBUS motherboard, you can see that the Alpha is very close to the DIMM slot.  If there were three DIMM slots, you would lose one to the Alpha for sure.  However, it is with this kind that the Alpha garners its great performance.  Let's see how the Intel sink compares to this monster cooler.

We ran SETI and an endless loop of Quake 3 demos for 20 minutes on each cooler.  We then took a reading with a thermistor probe attached to the FCPGA and touching the edge of the CPU core.  In the results, you can see that the Alpha still comes out on top with a 1.5C drop.  The Alpha is a great cooler for sure.  Regardless, the new Intel Heat Sink really gave a good showing.  This is excellent performance for a stock retail cooler.

Benchmarks and Performance



Tags:  Intel, ium, Pentium, 3M, pen

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