Gigabyte Radeon 9800 Pro (GVR98P128D)

Gigabyte Radeon 9800 Pro (GVR98P128D) - Page 3

The Gigabyte GV-R98P128D
Powered by the ATi Radeon 9800 Pro

By - Marco Chiappetta
July 17, 2003

Next up, we have some Splinter Cell benchmark scores, using the Oil Rig demo created by the folks at Beyond 3D.  This test is heavily dependant on Pixel Shader performance.  Pixel shaders are used to render the realistic looking ocean water that surrounds the Oil Rig in the demo.  As Dave mentioned in his recent review of ATi's All-In-Wonder 9800 Pro, Antialiasing is "broken" with Splinter cell (at least with the current version).  Due to this fact, we do not have any AA scores listed in the graphs below...

Benchmarks With Splinter Cell
Another DirectX Game In Action

Even though this game was ported over from the Xbox, which is powered by an NVIDIA GPU, the Radeon 9800 Pros still managed to walk away with a decisive victory.  At both resolutions, the Gigabyte GV-R98P128D outperformed all of the other cards.  It held a 13% lead over the 5900 at 1024x768 and an even larger 20% lead at 1600x1200.  The Radeon 9600 Pro performed admirably, but simply could not keep up with the "Big Boys" in this test.

Head-to-Head Performance With Comanche 4
Did anyone see the Comanche Bike on "American Chopper"?  Very cool stuff...

We continued our DirectX testing with another DirectX game, Novalogic's combat helicopter simulator Comanche 4.  Comanche 4 makes use of DX8 pixel and vertex shaders to produce some of the realistic visuals used throughout the game.  Unlike the previous tests, this benchmark is heavily influenced by CPU and system memory performance at lower resolution.  When the resolution is raised, and AA and Aniso are enabled, however, it's a while different story!

Once again, the Gigabyte GV-R98P128D was the "Top Gun".  It outperformed all of the cards in all but one of the tests.  At 1600x1200 with 6XAA enabled, the GeForce FX 5900 nudged pasted the Radeon 9800s, but that was the only test where the FX held the lead.  In the Non-AA tests, the Radeons and FX performed similarly, but once Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering were enabled, the Radeon 9800 Pros pulled ahead.  The performance deltas varied depending on resolution, but in some cases, like at 1600x1200 with 4XAA enabled for example, the Gigabyte GV-R98P128D was about 17% faster than the 5900.

UT2003 & Quake 3 Benchmarks 

Tags:  Radeon, Gigabyte, P128, 8P, 980, pro, VR, R9

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