How Much Ya Bench? Version 2.0 P3800/900 w/ i820

How Much Ya Bench? Version 2.0 P3800/900 w/ i820 - Page 1

Hot Hardware's How Much Ya Bench? - Version 2.0
Pentium !!! Coppermine 800 On The i820 Platform

April 17, 2000 - By Dave Altavilla 

Over the past few months Intel has been releasing a myriad of processors covering all ends of the performance spectrum.  Never before has the end user had so many options to choose from with respect to what host processor will be driving their systems.  Whether you opt for Celeron, Pentium!!!, or Xeon, you will also have a host of flavors to choose from within that processor subset.  The widest selection ever of Packages, Cache and Clock Speeds are available to choose from, regardless of your requirements.    

In our last segment of "How Much Ya Bench", we took a look at the P3 500E Coppermine FCPGA Processor with its nimble 256K of on chip L2 Cache and the ability to overclock like no other chip we have seen to date. The 500E comes with a multiplier of 5 times its Front Side Bus speed of 100MHz. for the specified 500MHz.  HotHardware recently received a Pentium 3 800EB from Intel, for test and evaluation.

The clock multiplier on our test chip can be set by the motherboard.  This is not the same obviously, as a retail chip and all production units are dialed into a specific multiplier.  As with the P3-500, there are two versions of the Pentium!!! 800 on the market.  The 800E has a 100MHz. FSB with a multiplier of 8.  The chip we will be looking at today supports the 800EB spec for an FSB of 133MHz. and a multiplier of 6.  Both processors have 256K of on chip full speed Advanced Transfer Cache, "Advanced System Buffering", support Dual Processor Systems and are manufactured on Intel's .18 micron process.  To see a complete table of the various flavors along with specifics for each chip, go here to Intel's Pentium III Processor Overview.  

Here are our obligatory "mug shots" of the star in this feature presentation.

Click on all images for full viewing

Obviously, there are a few differences in our chip with respect to other retail version you will find on the market.  In the top left picture, you will note that our chip's step code is "Q197ES".  This is an evaluation unit, not for resale.  Another interesting and very impressive difference here is the Active Heat Sink Combo that Intel used.  Notice the thin and curved fins that make up the sink itself.  These do an excellent job of radiating heat.  We are not sure if this is indicative of the type of set up you would get, if a retail 800EB was purchased but we sure hope so because it does a great job of keeping things cool under pressure. 

Intel's Processor ID program gives you additional information on this CPU (click image)


Enough drooling here, let's plug this hot-rod in and take it for a spin.

How much we benched, next !



Tags:  Ion 2, i820

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