Lian Li Shows Off Motorized Desk PC Case Combo With Built-In 32-Inch OLED Display

lian li desk
Lian Li has recently had its 2024 Digital Expo, where it shows off previews of the latest innovations it has been working on for PC enthusiasts. Skipping through the usual case redesigns, one revelation in particular may catch the eye of the PC builder who wants it all: The Lian-Li DK-07 standing desk. 

As an owner of the older Lian-Li DK-04 standing desk, it has proved to be a unique and well-built PC case/desk combination. With the preview of the new Lian-Li DK-07, the first major difference is in the impressive LG transparent 32-Inch OLED screen that is built right into the desk. The previous iteration had a glass panel that transformed from opaque to transparent at the push of a button, so this takes it to the next level. 

screen oled
That's a 32-Inch OLED transparent screen in your PC case/Desk

To be clear, it does not appear that this 32-Inch OLED screen is meant to be used as a traditional screen. It appears more-so as an augment to the aesthetics of the desk itself, designed to showcase different elements akin to how RGB will adorn a typical PC build. 

This desk is clearly designed for a complex custom-water-cooled setup, supporting numerous fans and radiator mount positions. Multiple 360mm and 280mm radiators will fit, to the delight of custom-loop tinkerers. The GPU itself, air or water cooled, has a special bracket to accommodate it with a horizontal mount. Airflow considerations will be key here for proper thermals, as this is not a typical PC case and thus has a few more obstructions such as the glass itself. 

While the Lian-Li DK-07 is currently a prototype, there are a few potential variants of it that may surface. The omission of the OLED screen is a possibility, which would help in driving the price down on what is likely a pricey option. Other accouterments that one would find on a high-end standing desk is here, plus more. 

A storage drawer, not to be confused with the 2.5- and 3.5-inch hard drive space also available, allows users to have some space internally. A cup holder is also here, that can cool or warm drinks to the liking of the user. While this may seem a bit over-the-top, with a premium desk such as this, these minor embellishments help to justify the desk as a unique piece.

A USB-hub that retracts from the desk has multiple ports for charging, along with support for a monitor arm at the rear of the desk. 

With both useful features and features that impress with technological or novel applications, this is certainly one eye-catching desk. 

There are so many features that we can't forget to mention the most important one: The Lian-Li DK-07 is height adjustable at the push of a button, with various heights available. Lian-Li has also announced a variety of updates to its traditional PC cases this 2024 Digital expo.