Humble 'You Can Pet The Dog' Bundle Is A Gaming Scooby Snack To Get Your Tail Wagging

Dog Sled Saga
Canine companions are capable of brightening even the darkest of days, and let's be honest, this has been a trying year for many people. If you have an affinity for our four-legged rays of sunshine, you are going to dig the latest Humble Bundle offering. It features a mix of games from different genres, with one thing in common—dogs.

It is called the "You Can Pet the Dog" bundle, and it is exactly what it sounds like. The list of titles is a collaborative effort between Humble Bundle and @CanYouPetTheDog on Twitter, a delightful social media account that catalogs both pettable and non-pettable dogs in games. In this case, each of the games selected has a dog you can pet.

The minimum amount is a dollar, which gets you Scribblenauts Unlimited ($19.99), Beyond Eyes ($14.99), Dog Sled Saga ($7.99), and Bulb Boy ($8.99). That is nearly $52 worth of gaming content, if you were to purchase these games individually on Steam.

Blair Witch

If you pay more than the average (currently at $4.71), you also get Shenmue I & II ($29.99), Where the Water Tastes Like Wine ($19.99), and Death's Gambit ($19.99), worth an additional $69.97 on Steam. And for $12 (or more), you get Blair Witch ($29.99) thrown in as well, bringing the combined value to $151.92.

The way the Humble Bundle works is, you set a price you are willing to pay for whatever content is being offered, and can designate how the money is split between publishers, charities, Humble partners, and Humble Bundle. There are minimum amounts to unlock certain games, though you are free to pay more, depending on what you think is a fair price and how generous you are feeling.

As you might imagine, the default charities in this case are animal friendly ones, including Sweet Farm, Humane Society, and Best Friends Animal Society (you can still choose from others if you want). Good stuff.