Facebook Pushes Out iPad App, At Long Last

Is it true? Can it be true? Is someone playing some sort of sick prank? Nope, it's reality: the Facebook app for iPad. It has become almost a running joke at this point. How could the iPad, being such a tremendously popular device, and Facebook, being such a tremendously popular social network, never have worked together before? The iPhone and Android phones have carried their own Facebook app for months on end now, but alas, the iPad was left out in the cold. Finally, that's no more.

The company has ceremoniously introduced their first official app for iPad today, which "not only includes popular features from the site like photos and games, but also optimizes them for the unique capabilities of the iPad." Additionally Facebook announced they are extending the Facebook Platform to mobile including the new iPad app, iPhone/iPod app and mobile web site. The Facebook Platform will allow mobile developers to take advantage of social channels for search of discovery of their apps and also the Facebook Credits payment system.

The app, as you'd expect, is free of charge, and can be found today at the App Store. Celebrate accordingly!
Tags:  Facebook, Software, ipad, ios