And, They're Sold Out. Did You Expect Differently?

While Apple hasn't released exact sales figures yet, AT&T said that in its first 12 hours of sales it sold 200,000 iPhone 4S units. In addition, there is indication that demand is high, and across the board: Apple's online store is now sold out of iPhone 4S pre-orders, on all carriers, with shipping now taking 1-2 weeks.

That would mean the deliveries would arrive about a week after the launch date of the iPhone 4S, which is October 14. If you absolutely must have the iPhone 4S on the day of launch, it looks like you might be out of luck. Note: this report was written in the mid-morning hours of Saturday, Oct. 8, PDT.

AT&T's online store currently says pre-orders will not ship for even longer, 14-21 days. On the other hand, the nation's second largest wireless carrier is closing out the iPhone 4S model in 16GB and 32GB models, for $149, $50 off its original price, and $199, $100 off, respectively.

The iPhone 4 will continue to be sold for $99, but only with 8GB of storage. The iPhone 3GS, with 8GB of storage, will be free. All these prices, of course, assume a service commitment.

Verizon's site says delivery (not shipping) of the iPhone 4S will now be 10/21. It has the same lowered pricing for the iPhone 4 that AT&T does, for the 16GB and 32GB models.

Sprint's site says it is sold out of 16GB iPhone 4S models. The other two models are still available. It adds that the 16GB iPhone 4S will be available in stores on 10/14. Sprint does not have any of the older iPhone 4 models to sell; the iPhone 4S is the first time it has had Apple's hot smartphone. However, Sprint will be selling the new 8GB iPhone 4S model.

Best Buy is allowing pre-orders, but only in-store. Availability will depend on your local store, in that case. RadioShack is also following the same procedure.

Verizon has 106.3 million customers, while AT&T has 98.6 million and Sprint 52 million. It's unclear how many pre-orders Verizon and Sprint have seen,, but we could guess about the same in terms of percentage, which would mean 200,000 for Verizon and 100,000 for Sprint, amounting to 500,000 all-told.

That would mean that despite the dissatisfied response by some, plenty of folks still want to buy the iPhone 4S.  Did you really expect anything different?
Tags:  Apple, iPhone, ATT, Sprint, Verizon