Quantum's Fireball Plus AS 40
Mainstream ATA100 performance @ 7200 RPM

3/5/01 - By  Dave Altavilla

With all due respect to the Sandra suite of benchmarks, although its results are fairly repeatable and consistent, the detail provided is somewhat non-descript and the test is more of a "light-duty" throughput based routine.  Let's move on and "peel back the onion", so to speak and examine things from other angles.

Benchmarks with the Quantum Fireball Plus AS
HD Tach, CC Winstone and Disk WinMarks

HD Tach is yet another benchmark on that is on the lighter side of stress testing.  However it does give a little more detail.

Here again, we see the Fireball Plus AS within a nose length of the IBM drive.  The Fireball Plus AS seems to have slightly higher CPU utilization.  However, we don't have complete confidence in that specific area of this test.  You'll see in our Disk Winmark scores, that this situation will actually be the inverse, with the Quantum drive showing more spartan demands of the processor.

To get a perspective on how this drive will perform under real world "Professional" software applications, we have prepared a round of Content Creation Winstone scores from Ziff Davis' CC Winstone 2001.

In this test, we see the scale tip ever so slightly in favor of the Quantum Fireball Plus AS.  Once again, the variance is small and it is safe to say that the end user could not discern between the relative performance of these two drives, when running the types of applications utilized in this test.

Disk Winmarks:

Finally, to get a more detailed breakdown of how the Fireball Plus AS handled itself in our Windows Millenium environment, we have ZD Winbench 99 version 1.2 Disk Winmark scores.

Click image for full view of Disk Winmark Scores

As you'll notice in the table above, the Quantum Fireball Plus AS trails the IBM drive by a hair in almost every test.  Once again, the scores are so close that you would be hard pressed to notice a difference in performance one way or the other.  Also of note, is that fact that this test reports the Quantum Fireball Plus AS as being less processor hungry feeding off its ATA100 interface.



To recap our findings with the Quantum Fireball Plus AS, we see a 7200 RPM ATA100 drive that is more than worthy of you upgrade dollars.  The performance of the unit we received was about on par with some of the top 7200 RPM drives in its class. As an added bonus, Quantum's Quiet Drive Technology really does make a difference and we found this drive to be the quietest 7200 RPM drive we have tested to date.

Other than superior acoustics, the Quantum Fireball Plus AS 40G drive we've tested here doesn't break away from the pack with respect to performance.  On the other hand, competitively priced around the net at $155 for 40 Gigs of storage, we feel comfortable giving it a Hot Hardware Heat Meter Rating of...



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