Thompson's Hot Coffee Scalds Him

Jack Thompson, best known for his crusade against video games, which he considers to be overly violent and to contain too much sexual content, has been disbarred.  His most famous crusade was against Rockstar Games and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, after the famous "Hot Coffee" content was exposed (no pun intended).

Florida Supreme Court has ordered his permanent disbarment (.PDF), though it has given him 30 days to "close out his practice."

The Court approves the corrected referee's report and John Bruce Thompson is permanently disbarred, effective thirty days from the date of this order so that respondent can close out his practice and protect the interests of existing clients.


OK, anyone who games out there should likely be jumping up and down and saying "whoopee!"  However, it's possible that Thompson could appeal this ruling, if he can get a member of the Florida BAR in good standing to submit it.  Good luck there, as he doesn't have many friends in the legal community.

Still, there's always the chance, and Thompson isn't likely to go down without a fight.  HH readers, any comment on the bane of the gaming industry's downfall?
Tags:  DS, Fee, Coffee, son, hot, Thompson, IM