Starting In Spring, You'll Be Able To Talk To Your Panasonic HDTV

It'll come as no surprise to you to hear that televisions are getting smarter. It's actually tough to find a big-screen set these days without some sort of Smart TV platform baked into it, and Panasonic's latest line is looking to one-up the others. Nuance's Dragon TV is being installed onto Panasonic's newest Smart Viera HDTVs, adding voice interaction in order to let users bark orders at their set. It's a new definition of lazy, but hey -- we won't tell if you don't. Now people can simply sit back and speak to find content, search the web, control volume and more, and with Dragon TV's text-to-speech, television content and options on the screen can be read aloud.

Dragon TV is Nuance's unique voice and natural language understanding platform designed specifically for smart TV, device and set-top box OEMs and service operators. Dragon TV brings the personal assistant experience to the living room, where consumers are able to speak to their TV and it responds, whether changing the channel, finding favorite movies and content by program name or actor, or staying connected with social media or the web – and much more. Panasonic SMART VIERA TVs featuring Dragon TV will be available worldwide beginning in the Spring of 2013. Until then? Well, guess you'll just have to use that blasted remote.